
Are you interested in the history of this brilliant century or do you want tighter relations with our association and its events?

You can join us now.

Not only will you be personally informed of our activities, but you join a circle of friends with whom you can gradually share the same passion.
We have several categories of members. You can choose one that suits you best. Our active members will be designated to represent an historical figure, handle their costumes and can participate in our historical events.

The Association distributes amongst its members a quarterly magazine of information "Die Chronycke" which contains historical and cultural items (generally for the period of Charles V.).

Individual Family
Active member € 45,00 € 70,00
Member donor € 45,00 € 70,00

Security question

Make your contribution to the bank account: BE16 4428 0356 2174 BIC: KREDBEBB
Within 15 days after receipt of your payment you will receive your membership card by mail.